Lee Granberg Artist Bio

Has been working in glass since 2004.

After 40+ years in social services and the business world, on her 60th birthday, Lee decided to change directions.  She had always wondered if she had a creative bone in her body and this seemed like the time to begin to explore this.   She happened upon The Crucible, and enrolled in Beginning Fused Glass with Mary White and Janet Hiebert.   She has been working with glass (fusing, kiln casting, and flame working) ever since and discovered her  passions:  creating glass art, teaching glass art at the Crucible’s Youth Camps, and supporting art education for youth.

Lee loves the challenge and the infinite potential in glass.  It enables her to be creative in ways unlike any other medium (she has dabbled in painting and welding).  Lee’s  inspirations are her life experiences, family, friends, and humankind, in general.

Lee works with 2 other glass artists in a shared studio at the Crucible.  They call themselves “Go Go Glass” (one of Lee’s  first “careers”, back in the 60’s, was as a Go Go Dancer).  Lee is so happy when she’s working in the studio, that she dances and sings, joined at times by her studio mates, Barbara Barnett and Peggy Wilson, thus the name of the group.


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